Introduction Personalized marketing is a great way to make customers feel like you’ve got their backs. Personalization has the power to increase profits by as
Category: E-Commerce
3 Tips To Help You Streamline Your Payment Process
Introduction You know that moment when you purchase something online, input your payment information, and then you get the dreaded “processing” message? It’s not just
Guide to Payment Processing
Introduction Payment processing is the process by which a business accepts payment from its customers. Many businesses have the option of using either cash or
Building My Online Presence
Introduction If you’re like most people, you’re online and on social media every day. There’s no doubt that going digital has made it easier for
A Guide to Secure, Fast and Efficient Payment Processing
Introduction You can’t run a business without paying customers, and that means being able to accept payments online or in person. Plus, as an entrepreneur,
Advertising and Marketing as a Tool for Social Change
Introduction Marketing is an essential tool to spread the word about products, services, and ideas. It has been around for centuries and is still used
A Guide to Personalized Email Marketing
Introduction The rise of the internet has been a boon for marketers. It’s now possible to reach millions of people with one email, and you
Why Personalization and Optimization Are So Critical To Customer Engagement And Loyalty
Introduction In an era where customers can get what they want — and where — they want it, e-commerce is no longer about the products
Personalization and Analysis in the Customer Experience
Introduction The customer experience is changing. Companies now have access to a wealth of data that can be used to create better interactions with their
Why You Need Mobile Optimization For Your Website
Introduction Let’s face it: most of us use our phones more than any other device. We check our phones in the morning, throughout the day,